The Barn Aisle: An Equestrian Podcast
The Barn Aisle: An Equestrian Podcast
Monday Musing Mini Episode
Some brief thoughts as I reflect on the past week of competition.
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Hello, everybody, it's Denise, and welcome to The Barn Aisle.
It's Monday, and I've been reflecting about the past week and planning for the next. So you might ask, what do you musing about Denise? What are you thinking?
Well, I've just been reflecting back on the last week of horse showing because I happen to be at a competition and sort of doing a mental checklist of things that went really well for me and my horse, my students and things that need to be improved upon and worked on.
And I was thinking, this is just a really good practice that everybody should do in a conscious manner. We all maybe do it unconsciously, or in a fleeting sort of way, but actually taking the time to sit down in a quiet place and have a cup of tea or a cup of coffee, and look back on the past week and say, hey, these are the things I did really well, and write them down. And then these are the things that I can improve on, and write them down.
Then create an action plan for the next week. When you're planning, it's not just about writing down what you want to improve on, but you need to be very specific on how you're going to do it. As much as you might want something, you need to establish a way to reach that something. Write down the steps it's going to take to help you get to where you want to go.
For example, I want to be stronger in my half-seat. So next week, I'm going to practice in my half seat, one lap each direction of the arena. And then the following week, two laps, and the week after that three laps. And you know what, before you know it, I'll probably be stronger in my half seat.
That's just something I've been thinking about. And I wanted to share it with you.
So that's my Monday musing. I hope it's been helpful. And I'll talk to y'all soon. Happy Monday.